Biyernes, Setyembre 13, 2013

Call of Duty4 for Xbox My Favorite of them All

Call of Duty seems to be the biggest game series on the planet. With Black Ops 2 the series is actually evolving. This is the first time since Call of Duty4 that the series is trying new things. Most of them work quite well, for now lets take look at the campaign. Spanning two time periods and multiple locales, Black Ops 2's storyline is quite strong. Thesis honestly the first truly engaging storyline that the series has offered. The characters are memorable, well written, and the voice acting is of the finest quality. The missions feature a variety of objectives and large scale set pieces.

 During some of the new strike force missions, the game also has multiple outcomes. The strike force missions is the largest change in the series, these are somewhat real time strategy and combat oriented levels. There are interesting and can be failed. They offer a unique style of game play. However felt that while these missions were fun, they ultimately slowed the pace of the game.

The main missions feature some great story and game play elements, high tech firefights, and epic scenes of combat on horseback. The campaign has a ton of great moments and has the makings of one of the best shooter son the market. However it suffers from one large problem, the gunplay is very weak. Weapons have no real weight or recoil when fire

Granted the game does make up for the surprisingly weak gunplay with fantastically staged set pieces that are far more interactive than previous games. Luckily the game manages to overcome the rough gunplay. Thanks to the fast paced shootouts. Let me say that the combat is in no way bad. But for a flagship first person shooter, I feel that it should have been far more satisfying. This is the best looking game in the franchise, textures are clean, and the world is full of detail and polish. The series has never been known for outstanding visuals; however that changes with this release.

Moving onto the hallmark of the Black Ops series is Zombies. Yes zombies mode is back, with more levels weapons and the sense of humor that we have come to expect from the series. Few things were changed while everything was tweaked and refined. Rounding out the package is the trademark multiplayer, firstly if you have never liked Call of Duty online Black Ops 2 will not change your mind. It’s more of the same. However it has been dialed in. Combat feels better here than in the campaign. There are plenty of weapons, modes, and maps. For the most part it's what we have come to expect. But one nice change and the most noticeable, is that there are larger maps.

The levels are frankly far better made than ever before. Leveling up is still fun and rewarding, threes plenty of game play modes, and tons of weapons and content. Black Ops 2 is a great game and this is coming from someone that has a love hate relationship with the series. It's a well made game and has some very high production values. Improvements were made were they were needed most. The campaign has been overhauled and is a rousing experience.

Multiplayer is still fun and has some wonderful maps to play on. It’s not hard to say that this is the best game in the series since 4. It falls just short of being an incredible game (free xbox live codes). All the parts are there, however I could not help but feel blah about the combat. Still the game controls well and even though the combat was weak Black Ops 2 is still one hell of a game. I could pick the gunplay apart. But the end of the day, this was a very enjoyable experience.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 11, 2013

World of Warcraft 5.4

Welcome to the World of Warcraft Patch 5.4 preview. Today we’ll be taking a look at several of the biggest new features coming in Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. First up, the Timeless Isle; a place of great cultural significance to the Pandered,  the Timeless Isle exists outside of the normal passage of time. Every so often it reappears, and in Patch 5.4 it’s reappearing just off the coast of the Jade Forest. Content on the Timeless Isle is based entirely on exploration.
As you make your way around the island, you’ll discover rare creatures, hidden treasure chests, special events, puzzles, and all sorts of other surprises. And you’ll be rewarded for your efforts with gear up to item level 535,account-bound tokens that you can use to gear up your alts, battle pets, Lesser Charms of Good Fortune, and a variety of other fun items. Of course, one of the biggest new features in 5.4is the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.

 The forces of the Alliance fleet and the Horde rebellion are bearing down on Orgrimmar with one goal: remove Garrosh Hellscream from power. This is a huge instance with 14 total bosses, starting in the now destroyed Vale of Eternal Blossoms, leading to an assault on the gates of Orgrimmar itself, and finally to a massive underground base located beneath Ragefire Chasm.

 Along with the new raid comes a brand new difficulty mode. Flexible mode fits in between Raid Finder and Normal in terms of difficulty, and is targeted at the friends and family group that just wants to have some fun together, without the stress and extra pressure that Normal or Heroic raiding provides. In Flexible mode, you can bring any number of players you like from 10 to 25and the instance will scale itself accordingly to match your group.

Look to our preview on the World of Warcraft website for more details on this exciting new feature. If you’re not quite ready to step up into group content, or you’d like to try out another spec or role, or even if you’d just like to get some practice in, then you might want to check out Proving Grounds. These are solo instances specifically designed to test your abilities as a tank, healer, or damage dealer. They’re a great way to get some experience under your belt without having to worry about the stress of letting your group down.

 Once you’ve worked your way through Bronze, Silver, and Gold ratings, you may even want to give Endless mode a try. See how long you can last. Patch 5.4 also features the conclusion of Mists of Pandora’s legendary quest chain. Players who have completed the previous steps of the chain will be sent to meet with Wrath ion on the Timeless Isle, where he’ll send you on a series of short tasks, including defeating the four Celestials in combat before upgrading your previous epic cloak to legendary status.

Completing this quest will also give you access to Ordos, a challenging world boss located on the Timeless Isle. Of course, these are just a few of the new changes and features coming in Patch 5.4.Be sure to check out our official patch preview on the World of War craft website for more information.

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Martes, Setyembre 10, 2013

Be the Commando with CRYSIS WARHEAD

Good day, and here we have Crisis Warhead. This is a side story expansion for Crysis1, and it's actually pretty good. You see, in Crysis 1, we actually had characters, and we actually had a protagonist that could talk. What a concept. And one of the characters in that game was known as Psycho. Now he's your basic British soldier who spouts out witty lines and things of that nature. And he was so popular that he actually received his own game, and it's quite good that he did get his own game because he was probably the most entertaining character from Crysis 1.

Now Crysis Warhead is pretty much identical to Crysis 1 in that you have a nanosuit, you fight pretty much the same enemies, but you get a few new weapons like duel SMG's and things of that nature - more or less it's just Crysis 1, but... you play a different character. And it actually is a worthwhile expansion because of it. Psycho actually has a pretty good plotline.

There's actually a lot of characterization that's built up around him and he actually has some little bit of character development. Once again, what a concept. The game uses the same exact engine but it has been tweaked a little bit to actually not require such high system requirements, meaning that this will run slightly faster and slightly better than base Crysis 1, which is quite good because any time I try to get my computer to both record and run Crysis 1 on all high, ah... my computer cries just a little bit. Really, the story for this game is pretty good and it actually does advance the series somewhat.

More or less this is just an expansion pack that doesn't really do too much but it does just enough to not just be the same boring thing over again. And do I recommend it? Well, actually of all the expansion packs that I have reviewed, I have to say that I actually recommend this one the most because this is actually an amazing game in its own right, simply because you actually get to play as a very entertaining first person shooter protagonist. You're not just another generic guy. And so, this is Jon, signing off. ( GTA 5 )